
Thursday, March 17, 2011

Whats holding you back?

Hi guys,
With me it was my age and looks. However as I have studied and learnt the skill of attraction I have discovered that most men have an excuse for their lack of success. Here are a few of the common ones I have come across:
Its my: height, age, income, body, nationality, teeth, looks, and hair.
This is an easy way to rationalize failure however once you except that attraction is an energy that can be created. Then start to learn and apply  this energy you will see remarkable results. Results that will have younger and better looking men staring in awe at you.

Help me win my EX back!
It really is heartbreaking when all you want is her back. However it is possible even when all seems lost.
Just watch this FREE video from a guy who is a proven expert in this field and let him show you how.
In fact as you read this his video has been viewed 1,682,000 times!!
So if you want to win your ex back just >>>CLICK HERE<<< .You really have nothing to lose just everything to gain!!


These men are playing to the conventional game. They waste time working out at the gym because they think big muscles attract women. Buying worthless "hair restoration" products to try and re-grow their hair because they think being bald hurts their success with women. Working at a job they hate because they think women are only attracted to successful guys with money.
But wait a minute! Look around you for evidence that this isn’t true. Next time you go out see how many hot women are with fat, ugly, bald and broke blokes. We have all seen this and asked ourselves “how does he do it”. Well maybe they have realized that generating attraction is skill based.

Join like minded guys at our Dating Tactics Facebook Group and get that personal support to help you achieve success!.

Regards Nathan

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