
Monday, March 14, 2011

Making you’re move –when to go for it!

Hi guys,
You know what its like when you have met a woman and the interaction is going well. You think she likes you and all of a sudden you are filled with hesitation on when to make you’re move.
All the possible scenarios run through you’re head causing a temporary blip that she will notice. She notices this because she has seen it a thousand times before a man has made his move. It’s predictable and triggers her “he’s going to ask me out” pattern. Now this is fine if you’re young and good looking but if you’re not its going to create problems. If you are prepared and know what to say everything is smooth!

Help me win my EX back!
It really is heartbreaking when all you want is her back. However it is possible even when all seems lost.
Just watch this FREE video from a guy who is a proven expert in this field and let him show you how.
In fact as you read this his video has been viewed 1,682,000 times!!
So if you want to win your ex back just >>>CLICK HERE<<< .You really have nothing to lose just everything to gain!!

The way I have learnt to combat this is with a seamless transition into closing. Its is simple however it does require practice infield and most of all the correct mindset. If you attach to much meaning to the interaction you will probably blow it. You have to come from the mindset of abundance. Think about it, once you have learnt the skills you will have a never ending supply. Do you think you will come across as desperate then?
Women will pick up the vibe that your not desperate and it will generate lots of attraction. You will be different from the rest, as you are not desperate and needy. In some instances they will start to pursue you, as they will see you as a challenge.
How I accomplish this is to have my close in the “can” delivered in a natural its up to you tone. The only way to get this is to practice and be prepared to burn a few times! You can’t get these calibration skills any other way. Here is my number one for a seamless transition without triggering her pick up pattern alert!
“Hey its fun talking to you, lets go grab a coffee”.
Deliver this with the body language of a half turn as if you are going to walk away. You will be shocked at how easy a lot of women will just follow you when you display this confidence and authority.
Obviously you must have a coffee shop in mind but you have read our quick start guide so you will have prepared for success??
Does that sound to easy for a man in his forties to get a young student out on an instant date for coffee. You know when I first started to learn these attraction skills I would have been skeptical but now I can do it easy!
Go on try it for yourself and let me know how it went.

Join like minded guys at our Dating Tactics Facebook Group and get that personal support to help you achieve success!.

Regards Nathan

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