
Thursday, May 26, 2011

Get those e-mails to the target!!


As someone who strives to improve your skills with women you know that no matter how successful you are there is always another peak to climb and another challenge to overcome. Are you ready to launch your dating life to that next level? If so, it's time to make a bold move and take immediate action.

Here is a tip submitted by a group member to up your internet response rate- instead of sending blanket e-mails just target the women that are online there and then. This means that the message will flag and with a women’s curiosity they do at least open the message.
When you send when they are offline they will be buried under the other 200+ emails a day attractive women receive. Guess what they do with these? Yes they delete on block.

This tip has come from PD a guy who persevered for two years before he finally cracked the online dating game!

Talk to you soon Nathan