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Now you have some real guidance and online dating tactics you are generating unexpected levels of Internet. Women are starting to want to meet you and suddenly you have the choice.
The last thing you want is to meet is a woman who misleads you with her photo. Now that’s not to say that we don’t all put up the most flattering photo and showcases our best assets. I am talking about blatant deception
Here are the big three!
Glamour shot in a provocative pose and a bio containing words like pole dancer and part time model. She might have gone to the trouble of paying for a makeover photo shoot, but I doubt it. She will have downloaded a photo of a model and pasted it onto her profile. One contributor to our group traveled to America only to be met by a fat warpig confessing that she uses a glamour photo as quote “guys would like her when they got to know her”. Right if you are desperate guys but we are learning the skill that puts us above other guys.
The out of date photo is reasonably easy to spot. Look for style and fashion. Also check out the actual photo and if it’s scanned and not digital. If its going to be pre digital it is at least ten years, I would say.
I have actually gone to a meet and had a woman approach me. When this woman asked me if I was Nathan I genuinely thought she had sent her mum to check me out. Very apologetically she explained that her photo “was a little out of date”
Finally women can put weight on very fast so you will always get “I have put on a few pounds since then”. However look for weight masking techniques in the photo. Black dress in a sideways pose and a top half shot with a big enticing cleavage is what I nickname the iceberg shot. The nasty two thirds hidden from your view.
The sad thing about all of this is most guys don’t have a clue. So by taking the first steps and getting mentored you will become one of the lucky few!
Talk to you soon Nathan
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